Advanced Clever Reasons To Buy Or Sell Cheap Cars

Here’s An Opinion On: Get Loan With Bad Credit Aistralian Premier Finance Website Submitted by: Smith Joshep Buying cheaper cars offers greater benefits for the people who are planning to buy it second hand. There are number of advantages of buying used cars if you are looking from an economical point of view, there is…

Home of Stonehenge builders found

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Scientists have uncovered the largest Neolithic settlement in the United Kingdom at the Durrington Walls and believe that the village was inhabited by the people who built the Stonehenge monument. Scientists say that the village was built around 2,600 B.C., roughly when Stonehenge was believed to have been constructed, and housed…

News briefs:January 04, 2008

Contents 1 Wikinews News Brief January 04, 2008 23:35 UTC 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Israeli troops kill 9 in Gaza 1.3 Georgian President faces election challenge 1.4 US unemployment hits two-year high 1.5 Israel plans crackdown on West Bank settlement outposts 1.6 Transaven Airlines plane carrying 14 people crashes off Venezuelan coast 1.7 Sportswriter Milt Dunnell…

PM John Howard’s nuclear push causes alarm

Monday, May 22, 2006 Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian nuclear debate Australian Prime Minister John Howard has announced he wants a “full-scale nuclear debate”, and three of his senior federal government frontbenchers – Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Resources Minister, Ian Macfarlane, and Environment Minister Ian Campbell – have all suggested Australia,…

Strongest earthquake in 40 years hits Southeast Asia

Sunday, December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean – The death toll continues to grow and millions face a homeless life in the new year as coastal communities in south Asia struggle against continued aftershocks and flooding caused by the largest earthquake to strike the planet in more than a generation. The magnitude 9.0 undersea megathrust earthquake…